Do you care? Or would you rather just chalk it up as a "whadaya gonna do" kind of thing and go back to watching Rachel Maddow "take down" somebody or another for their stance on the everso-more-important domestic policy of the United States?
Or does your brand skew more towards wouldabeen anarchists like Crispin Sartwell*, who so easily write off America's continuity of cruise-missile neon-liberalism as a friendlier alternative simply because those on the receiving end of our awesome understanding of liberty and justice happen to have suffered under a harsher domestic policy and, anyway, you are happier to live in America than in the land catching your captors' moral victories?
In case you don't get me: Keeping America healthy internally is the last thing the world needs to live peacefully. What the fuck good is a jobs program if it leads to a larger tax-base to support this kind of fucking bullshit?
You want change? Stop glorifying the fucking air-shows and stop funding their export. Did it ever occur to anyone that the sacrifice to be made in the name of freedom-for-all is the sacrifice of one's own well-being - so long as that well-being leads to the complacency which would allow 'Blood Everywhere' else but - heaven forbid - the Reno Air Show?
A world in which holier-than-rethuglican liberals and progressives feed off of AriannaOnLine and MSNBC as a presentation of more-betterism is not a world worth improving towards.
[I hasten to add printiN' t' fYT Media Corps, who mirror the most strategically nuanced version of "does ya do, or does ya dudn't-ry".]
Jack Crow does an incredible job of crystallizing the meaning behind the civics lesson as it relates to your belief in liberty and justice for all:
You see all those paragraphs wherein the text repeats, over and fucking over again, that law and justice are universal, or at least ought to be? See where the fancy ones discuss isonomy and the dumbed down ones go on and about "rights and responsibilities"? Go on, take a moment. Note how often these planned and designed study guides mention democracy, human rights, equality before the law, one man one vote, et cetera. It's like a catechism, or a sales pitch, or a call to be washed in the blood of the Lamb, or some shit.Don't believe it? Exaggeration? Let me remind you that when I was four - FOUR fucking years old - I repeated the words "liberty and justice for all" every weekday morning at 9. And that was just the beginning.
If you care to spare another minute or two, flip back and forth to all those sections which make mention of struggle for equality, democracy, rights, and universal human behavior. Even the whitewashed versions which get the imprimatur and the nihil obstat of the mandate schoolmarmers end up contradicting the claim to universality, don't they? I mean, if history is the record of people with power resisting giving it up or losing it - and it is, this royal history we're still learning in the age of Democracy™ - then you almost have to wonder why these same rulers insist on mandatory schools in which the opposite is also taught.
If they have to teach it, and if it takes them ten or twelve years to get children to believe it - it really isn't so universal, is it?. That shit is indoctrination.
What should it matter what Spook Perry or anyone else in Texas wants to teach as American History when the corporate machine's Brand Left can do no better than a token lesbian squawking about how awesome our men and women in uniform are?
What good are the mockings of the Tea Party Pledge from those who recited The Pledge of Allegiance as often as I did, but that, unlike me, are genuinely saddened at the Horror in Reno?
Fuck those people. They're better off dead.

* I edited out "phony" for its default redundancy and "dipshit" for its overzealous inaccuracy.