
Sunday 15 January 2012

Anarchy in the Image Nation
- living at the end of a rope

"You've built this grand structure all by yourself, my son."
Ein-Gebildet Genug, BCE

Let's went:
The solution to having homeless sleeping in the vestibule of the bank is to completely bar access to the ATMs from the end of banking hours on Friday until they open again Monday morning. The problem that required this solution was not the homeless sleeping in the cash-station vestibule; this was, rather, a solution for the homeless who'd found a place to sleep.

If you are a part of our überkultur, you can guess what the problem from the bank's perspective might've been and, indeed, describe it in detail, perhaps based on personal experience. Interpretations will vary. Of course.

Then what's my friggin' problem?
The machines and one's need to access them, as well as our inextricable ties to banking in the modern era, are both a micro- and macro-view of what it means to have technologies for our convenience dictate our relationships to one another. Like the ring-tone through Mahler's Ninth, so are the days of our lives.

Is this situational irony?
A guy banned from the Volksbank turns his life around and finds a job. He soon discovers that the only way he can get paid is to get an account with that very same bank.

Would it have been possible for the bank to show solidarity with the schmoes who gotta schlep the late-sleepers away when they open up in the morning (most of them are gone by 10am anyway) without prohibiting passage to the cash altars? Where are we to go to worship on Sunday?

You might be thinking, "Why don't they use the common era key card access approach?" Technology has the solutions to all of our problems. Or you might've been thinking, "Why don't you, if you're so concerned about the homeless, let them sleep on your floor and leave your community bank out of it?"

Touché away!

Nothing tippy-tapped here will mean much to my comrades who spend their days in the library and their nights cubbyhole (s)hopping. And, yes, I could give them a fish. But I'm here to tell ya from personal experience that if anyone can teach anyone else how to catch one, it's they me.

I have met the solution. Pity it's me.
Still, the extent to which I narrate the unspeakable horrors of life is surely a classic example of leftist moral behavior.

I know me, you see. I know how I live my life. I know the trade-offs that I have made and and I know the trade-offs that I have not made. If I want to contrast the worthlessness of on-line ranting versus the utility of helpful suggested action towards an alternate way forward in meat-space, then I need not pick on any sociopath other than myself, given that I have thousands of words of my own to choose from.

Not that I don't sympathize, mind you.

Now that's irony. So pathetic on my part, perhaps.

Apropos SOPA
Is Bo Rama's *the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordination at the Office of Management and Budget, the U.S. Technology Office, and the Cybersecurity Coordination for National Security Staff's recent response to petitions a heroic declaration of opposition to the "risk of online censorship of lawful activity" or more akin to veto promises to be broken at a not-to-distant future date?

Is it campaign rhetoric, or the appeasement of a consTWITuency too large to ignore? Do LOLcats matter more than writs of Latin distinction? Depends on who you ask, dudn't it?

I can tell you this.... no, wait. I can't tell you anything.

Worst Sunday Paper ever.

* For me, anarchy's best arguments are the arguments against it, the megalithic governmental orgs listed herein being an exception.