Severed heads are sacrificed; the blood trickles toward the penthouse cellar. Se7en spaced the severity of the unsubtlety of his deflection — a brazen attempt to have his having had an active gaydar steal the spotlight away from the evil he used it for. Narcissus knows no bonds — none too tight from which to wiggle with glee. He'd be given to going, "It's time to say 'twas not my intent, but coincident to coming clean'." But silence is also an option.
Monday's Man o' Fort saw the phrase 'dictator friendly' just often enough to bring to mind an entire country's intelligence combined. Verily. One couldstrikethrough each instance of the named in the indictment and replace it with 'the US'. However, either'd serve as apt metonymy for machinations of autocrat-o-philic money laundering. But let's not forget about extortion and racketeering.

Monday's Man o' Fort saw the phrase 'dictator friendly' just often enough to bring to mind an entire country's intelligence combined. Verily. One could
Now for FAKE MUSE!

Blutkotzende Goten - bis Marzahn - Unkrautrock (1989)