For those of you unacquainted with the parlance of
paederasty, among the Satanist-Globalists, "Mike" is argot for eleven-year-olds who could pass for fifteen, and eight-year-olds who one'd swear were eleven, and "I like" is an elliptical code with the phrase " make porn snuff films out of our ritual blood sacrifices and bow down to Satan, our One and only true Lord" being the implied incantation.
Be wary of painting with a broad brush, though. While, sure, of course Donald J. Trump is a paedophile Satanist murderer, one should not just assume that means everyone who liked this tweet is. The retweets, however... wannabe apprentices, one & all.

paederasty, among the Satanist-Globalists, "Mike" is argot for eleven-year-olds who could pass for fifteen, and eight-year-olds who one'd swear were eleven, and "I like" is an elliptical code with the phrase " make porn snuff films out of our ritual blood sacrifices and bow down to Satan, our One and only true Lord" being the implied incantation.
Be wary of painting with a broad brush, though. While, sure, of course Donald J. Trump is a paedophile Satanist murderer, one should not just assume that means everyone who liked this tweet is. The retweets, however... wannabe apprentices, one & all.
Eight-year-olds, dude.