Excerpts from the autobiography of Hildegard Knef:
I'd need to be kitty-cornered & upper-storey'd to get a modern-day match for this month's calendar picture. Until such time as I muster the wherewithal to seek out & ask from residents with these views if I can come in & shoot some snaps from their windows, such as this 'll hafta do:

Er spielte Klavier wie ein Autofahrer in Gefahr, er hupte verzweifelt mit viel Pedal und sang düster von sich hin blickend rätselhafte Texte.
pg. 16
Sie liebte zwei Soldaten, die ununterbrochen nicht in Berlin waren.
pg. 37
Lampenfiebergerötet rannten wir um Meixner rum, wie Hennen um den Hahn.
pg. 48
I'd need to be kitty-cornered & upper-storey'd to get a modern-day match for this month's calendar picture. Until such time as I muster the wherewithal to seek out & ask from residents with these views if I can come in & shoot some snaps from their windows, such as this 'll hafta do:

Proskauer Straße 21, Berlin - 1905

Proskauer Straße 21, Berlin - 2014