
Sunday 27 December 2015

Supralocality w/links

On Daddy's being unencumbered by the psychological machinations that hinder the biological imperative: A meditation to be continued at a later date on an ontology informed by universal grammar to include, i.a. that "not playing god" has more to do with evolution than god and how these relate to human growth hormones and genetically modified sustenance.


Rob's Radical Salami: If Trump makes it to the White House the establishment is going to eat him alive. Trump sounds tough but he’s a babe in the woods compared to what he’ll be going up against as president.

Lenda is surrounded by- & chows on human Islamophobes: Then I spell it out, explaining how these cases of US violence meet his definition, at which point the definition predictably starts to change, i.e., he starts moving the yardstick.

Justin intros a publishing imprint for web comics.

And, finally, including the nugget from Charles Olsen that "we are all late... in a slow time, that we grow up many... And the single is not easily known...", there is so much more value in a Sunday paper from BLCKDGRD.

Anyway, that was mine. See ya.