The conspiracy is there is no conspiracy necessary.


Sunday, 1 August 2021

die Bodenhaftung des Botenstoffs

If the plush carpeted stairs up to the laundry room represent a causeway to forgetting why we'd ascended them, then there should be another analogous diversion along the neural pathway that'd got us here. There's an abstract of a study that cited this example, the correlation of which was a paradigm shift that leads from going to get what's wanted to climbing stairs as if with no end goal in sight.
The solution sounds simple enough: Keep the end in sight while climbing the stairs. Yet again and again this room is revealed, wondering why we'd gone there.
Let's be charitable to senescence and say this thing began much longer ago. Let's not take seniority for granted. Anecdotal experience has got to count for something even if it can't quite quantify and tabulate the relevant data from memory. Sure, an age-based atrophy is assumed, but that's not apparently relevant to the tendency in the first place to put aside intentions the moment of setting out to complete them. Something else is at work - something akin to the brain's lacking the inherent ability to hold fast to a short-term checklist without aggressive effort. Something about that thing called concentration and the apparent need to concentrate to learn how to do it.

The computer comparison is too obvious to ignore. The brain did come up with the computer as a problem solving solution, after all. Something of which the programmer is acutely aware is the fact that a program that sees the input of the intention through to its conclusion is more effective than a program that prompts the user to another program that then prompts the user with a message to review the input from the first program.

So maybe this technology is not so much outsourcing memory as it is altering the quality of concentration potential, like admitting a failure while forgoing any attempt to improve upon its cause and, more crucially, reprogramming the brain to set the failure as a default.


The zebras are all happy. Or maybe not the ones closer to the ground with their legs scrunched beneath them, who are either sleeping or relaxing or really just trying to. It's hard to tell upon closer examination. All three types have stripes that Roman enumerate themselves. The black stripes are all fours and the white stripes all sixes, such that each has a IV or a VI, respectively. It's not a negative space effect. The black on the sixes does not resonate as stripes no matter how I concentrate on them. All those with their eyes closed are threes. Wait a minute. All their legs are like sticks. This shower curtain is a cartoon.

If this three dimensional awareness is but an interface with a code never to be known along the wavelength of this three dimensional awareness, then this technological progress is fine for wherever it goes, but it doesn't appear capable of scratching the original itch. Maybe forgetting there ever was such an itch would be a good thing, but it might also be a thoroughfare to a problem without an address.