You can lay the prevailing currency on it, raze, excavate, develop to build upon, rent seek, lobby, litigate, evict, neglect, ignore, and/or place the name of your pop atop in all capital blocks. You can bundle it all up and pass off your scorching rotten fruit of the earth as a too good to miss opportunity. As appearances prove deceiving whenever deception appears, you can bank on polity to back the renewal of your project with revenue raised from the people who were already punching your clock to pay your rent and drink that poison juice you produce – o' which, you can construct on top of all that proprietary rights to force anyone else to cease and desist their own form of existence. What does it mean to prevail? Only a reflection of conquest. Nothing but a name. The thing itself? You can't own that.

Warschauer Str. 64, Berlin-Friedrichshain - 1920/2017(hover)

Warschauer Str. 64, Berlin-Friedrichshain - 2017/Googleschauer Str. 64 (hover)